MYVA Road Map

The My Virtual Assistant (MYVA) has gone live with the European release of the MYVA training programme on 24th May 2022. At the launch, Vocational Education Training teachers and trainers from the UK, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Ireland, Romania and the Czech Republic.

The Complete VA Training Package

MYVA is the complete training package for aspiring and existing virtual assistants (VAs) that want to set up and grow their own virtual enterprise. The MYVA training package includes the MYVA Mini MBA training course as well as a practical toolkit of resources, checklists, and templates.

The MYVA Mini MBA comprises a set of six Learning Modules exploring many different aspects of how to set up and run a business as a Virtual Assistant. The six Learning Modules are:
· Module 1: The Virtual Assistant explores the emergence of global trends and the opportunities for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs
· Module 2: Developing a Business Plan is about understanding how to prepare and present a business plan for a solopreneur enterprise
· Module 3: Sustainability and Business Improvement is designed to help entrepreneurs to improve the sustainability, efficiency, and performance of their enterprise and to create growth
· Module 4: Innovation and Product Development is about role of innovation and creativity in improving existing products/services and developing new ones within a Virtual Assistant enterprise
· Module 5: Finance for Enterprises explains how to use financial and management accounts to manage the performance of a business  
· Module 6: Marketing and Networking is using marketing plans and networking to develop and grow an enterprise
MyVA Project number: 2020-1-SE01-KA226-VET-092491
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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